Saturday, January 12, 2013

Overcoming Polarization Mode Dispersion using Special Single-Mode Fibers+

By Neil Lynch
          Polarization-mode dispersion is due to differential group delay as a result of chromatic (material and waveguide) refraction stemming from the asymmetry in the fiber core and cladding’s refractive indices; the cladding’s refractive index is lower than the core’s refractive index. This article looks at dispersion compensation; how polarization-mode dispersion is overcome using special single-mode fibers.

          It first discusses the core, cladding and their refractive indices, the nature of the interface between them (the core and cladding) which determines their modal properties; we’ll briefly look at the input signal into the fiber via the proper region of the acceptance angle. We’ll also look at dispersion as light propagates along the fiber and the combining effect of material and waveguide dispersions (chromatic dispersion) on its outcome, followed by orthogonal Polarization, asymmetrical cores, birefringence (discussed in the video)  and 4-wave mixing. We’ll then conclude with dispersion compensation: special single-mode fibers, chromatic dispersion compensation (dispersion compensation filters module, tunable dispersion compensators) and soliton transmission.

        “The two key elements of an optical fiber—from an optical standpoint—are its core and cladding. The core is the inner part of the fiber, which guides light. The cladding surrounds it completely, as shown in Figure 1. The refractive index of the core is higher than that of the cladding, so light in the core that strikes the boundary with the cladding at a glancing angle (as shown in figure 2) is confined in the core by total internal reflection” (Hecht, 26). The size of the core and cladding and the nature of the interface between them determine the fiber’s modal properties and how it transmits light at different wavelengths. The simple types of fiber have a step-index structure, where the refractive index changes sharply at the abrupt boundary between a high-index core and a low index-cladding; of the various transmission modes, single mode transmission is cleaner and simpler, and it’s also preferred for fiber-optic systems. The main limitation is that the core[1] of the fiber must be small enough to restrict transmission to a single mode, yet large enough to collect most of the input optical signal via the proper region of the acceptance angle, preferably the half acceptance region above or below the fiber-axis as shown in figure 3.

   “Dispersion is the spreading out of light pulses as they travel along a fiber. It occurs because the speed of light through a fiber depends on its wavelength and the propagation mode. The differences in speed are slight, but like attenuation, they accumulate with distance” (Hecht, 103).

        The pulse spreading arises because the velocity of light through a fiber depends on its wavelength. Material dispersion causes different wavelengths to travel at different speeds as a result of variations in the refractive index of the fiber core with wavelength. Some of the light also travels in the cladding of the fiber, which has a different refractive index and propagates light at a different speed than the core; an effect known as waveguide dispersion. Material and waveguide dispersion combined to produce an overall effect called "chromatic dispersion" (chromatic dispersion-bb.csis ch.5; web).

Polarization … can be important in single-mode fibers. The reason is that what we call single-mode fibers actually carry two modes with orthogonal polarization. Fibers with circularly symmetric cores can’t differentiate between the two linear polarizations…; the two modes are degenerate, meaning they’re functionally identical and can’t be told apart by the fiber, so light can shift easily between the two polarization modes.

If the circular symmetry of fibers were perfect, polarization would have little practical impact for communications. However, fiber symmetry is never absolutely perfect… As a result, the two polarization modes may experience slightly different conditions and travel along the fiber at slightly different speeds. This effect is called differential group delay  (double-click to see video above, escape to return (Yao, YouTube)), which averaged over time becomes polarization-mode dispersion, as shown in figure4. It can cause problems in high performance systems, such as those transmitting time-division multiplexed signals faster than about 2.5 Gbit/s.

      For a positive dispersion fiber, pulse broadening takes place due to the spectral components at the leading edge moving faster than the components at the trailing edge. In the case of a negative dispersion fiber, components at the leading and trailing edge act in the opposite sense, implying that the components move toward one another, which subsequently leads to pulse compression. Compression will continue to dominate until a point of maximum compression is reached, at which point a change in sign of the chirp[2]   will subsequently lead to pulse broadening. The significance of the initial pulse compression differentiates positive and negative dispersion fibers (positive/negative dispersion-bb.csis ch.5; web).

       Standard Single Mode Fiber (SSMF) – SSMF, also known as non-dispersion shifted fiber, is the most widely used fiber. SSMF is optimized for minimal dispersion in the 1310 NM band, while the high dispersion at 1550 NM prevents 4-wave-mixing[3].  With the assistance of dispersion-compensators[4] (discussed later), long range fiber-transmission distances can be 100 km at OC-192 bit rates and 525 km at OC-48 bit rates. 
        The amount of chromatic dispersion experienced in optical fiber is dependent on the wavelength at which light is being transmitted, and a graph showing this for regular single-mode fiber is shown below. It is worth noting that there is a "slope" to the dispersion; meaning that each wavelength experiences a different amount of dispersion.
Dispersion slope tells how dispersion changes with wavelength.
Normally this change is very small over the range of wavelengths generated by a single laser transmitter. However, it’s important in wavelength-division multiplex systems, which carry many optical channels spanning tens of nanometers in wavelength.
Specification sheets typically do not plot chromatic dispersion directly as a function of wavelength, but give the chromatic dispersion that may be found at a range of wavelengths (Hecht, 110).  
Special Single-Mode Fibers
Special single-mode fibers can control the polarization of light they transmit. There are two types: true single-polarization fiber and polarization-maintaining fiber (see video below). Both intentionally avoid circular symmetry, so they transmit vertically and horizontally polarized light differently…
                                                                                                                                                             Single-polarization fibers can remove the undesired polarization in order to achieve, a transmission … almost as well as standard single-mode fiber … where only the desired polarization remains in the end.
Single-polarization fiber has a different attenuation for light of different polarization. It transmits light of one polarization well but strongly attenuates light with the orthogonal polarization. “The figure below illustrates the right-angle (perpendicular or orthogonal) relationship between the electric and magnetic field in a light wave” (Orthogonal Polarization, bb.csis chapter 4, web)


Under the proper conditions, a single-polarization fiber attenuates the undesired polarization by a factor of 1000 to 10,000 within a few meters but transmit the desired polarization almost as well as standard single-mode fiber.

Polarization-Maintaining Fiber (Yao, YouTube)   double-click for video, escape to exit

… Polarization entanglement could be significantly decohered (degraded) during fiber transmission due to two polarization effects in optical fibers: polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and polarization-dependent loss (PDL); fiber symmetry is never absolutely perfect… as a result, these polarizations may experience slightly different conditions and travel along the fiber at slightly different speeds.

By introducing PMD in a controlled way and performing tomography for various levels of PMD in each fiber,… PMD induced degradations:

Loss of polarization entanglement in a fiber-optic system with polarization mode dispersion in one optical path, and either reduce or increase decoherence depending on the relative orientation of two PMD elements. Sometimes in the latter case the entanglement disappears completely, which is a manifestation of the sudden death arising naturally during photon propagation in fibers (Hecht, 86).

… Pulse dispersion is cumulative, building up along the length of a fiber system. In general, this means that adding more fiber only makes pulse dispersion worse. However, it is possible to reduce total chromatic dispersion by adding a length of fiber with chromatic dispersion of the opposite sign. For example, you could add a length of fiber with negative chromatic dispersion at 1550 nm to a system containing fiber with positive dispersion in that band. According to Downing, “…  if the existing fiber dispersion parameter is -8 ps, then the total dispersion can be brought to zero by adding a length with net dispersion of +8 ps” (281). This idea is similar to using waveguide dispersion to offset material dispersion, but in this case the compensation is done by splicing together two fibers with different chromatic dispersion[5].

        The dispersion-compensation fiber could be added in a length of cable, but it’s often installed in modular form in an equipment rack near a receiver or optical amplifier. In long-distance systems, length of the two types of fibers alternate, so chromatic dispersion does not build up to excessive levels before being reduced.

Chromatic Dispersion Compensation

        The demand for DCMs [(chromatic) Dispersion Compensation Modules] will quickly grow in the near future, driven by the development of ultra-long-haul and 40 Gbps systems. Both applications require greater numbers of DCMs per link and higher priced, higher performance devices having 100 percent slope compensation, and in some cases, dynamically tunable slope compensation (see tunable dispersion compensator below).


CS-TDCMX - Compact Tunable Dispersion Compensation Module

 n Modul
This small form factor tunable dispersion compensator is a fully integrated module with a wide bandwidth and a large dispersion tuning range to support any 40 Gb/s modulation format. Based on TeraXion's well-established FBG technology, this ready-to-use module integrates a circulator and all the electronics, making it the smallest in the industry. With its embedded channel selector, the ClearSpectrumTM-TDCMX allows the user to optimize dispersion in a link for any channel, regardless of the channel plan. Therefore, system flexibility is increased and DWDM systems can be operated at higher speeds with improved design margins.(TereXion, web).


             In optical fibers, waveforms lengthen over long distances, making these signals difficult to interpret when they reach the receiving end. The result is distorted data signals that represent transmission errors at the intended receiver.

            As network speeds and span lengths increase; (data rates and coverage areas of telecom systems) … new technical challenges are appearing, including the adverse effects of signal broadening caused by chromatic dispersion. To counteract theses phenomenon’s the importance of tunable dispersion compensation should not be underestimated, especially in solving chromatic dispersion in fast growing OC 192 networks and the developing area of polarization mode dispersion. Tunability is critical in allowing networks of the future to adapt to variable path factors, environmental changes, and configurations that are themselves in constant change.

 Multichannel capability - In order to realize the potential of OC 192 and OC 768 DWDM networks, DCM solutions featuring multichannel capability are vital. Because OC 192 and OC 768 can have up to several dozen channels, a decreasing amount of space on telecommunications racks requires multichannel capability in dispersion compensation solutions.

        In the search for dispersion compensation solutions, DCMs are a great potential in solving the challenges associated with multichannel, high-speed networks. Recent innovations with components such as fiber-Bragg-gratings[6], coupled with important developments in tunability and multichannel capabilities, are important factors for the industry's future.

Dispersion Compensating Filter Modules are passive optical fiber devices used in various locations within the optical fiber communications network link.

Telecommunication System operators are upgrading their links toward 10 Gbps transmission speeds and the use of dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM), to increase their network capacity. Often, chromatic dispersion develops into a critical variable in expanding the capacity, since existing (installed) standard optical fiber with varying quality, is optimized for single wavelength transmission at 1310 NM

Dispersion compensating filter modules will be used as an alternative to installing a specific length of dispersion compensating optical fiber (DCF) in the link ( DCFs are usually installed in small spools).

Dispersion compensating filter modules will also be used in conjunction with Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (OADM). The OADM segments wavelengths at specified locations in the network link, and these wavelengths require dispersion compensation before reaching the receiver (Dispersion Compensation Modules - bb.csis chapter 5, web).

Solition Transmission

            According to (blackboard csis document), there is a relatively new fiber optic data transmission scheme that utilizes something called Soliton Pulses. These are very short bursts of light generated in an Erbium-doped Fiber LASER. Soliton light can be used to transmit data at rates in excess of 50 Gb/s, at distances over 19,000 km of Dispersion-Shifted Fiber, requiring no repeaters, and with no errors. This data rate is the equivalent of sending 6,200 bibles per second. At this rate, one bible could be sent to everyone on earth--6 billion people--in about 10 days.

·        The soliton is a wave that exists in nature which can propagate over long distances without any distortion of its waveform. Optical solitons in optical fiber are maintained by the balance of the nonlinear optical index and the group velocity dispersion of the fiber. Ideal solitons, which propagate without waveform distortion, can exist only in a transmission line with no energy loss and no fluctuation of the grou        Soliton pulses are very short pulses of

Hecht, Jeff. Understanding Fiber Optics 5/e. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Print. (Light Guiding, p.26)


Fiber Optic Cables. Illustration: Figure 1 and 2. Retrieved from


Hecht, Jeff. Understanding Fiber Optics 5/e. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Print. (Dispersion, p.103)


Chromatic Dispersions. Blackboard Course-Documents Chapter 5. Retrieved from  


Yao, Colin. Polarization Mode Dispersion. YouTube.  Retrieved from.     wCa_VNfA&feature=player_embedded#


Hecht, Jeff. Understanding Fiber Optics 5/e. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Print. (Polarization Mode Dispersion, p.113)


Positive and Negative Dispersions. Blackboard Course-Documents Chapter 5. Retrieved from  


Hecht, Jeff. Understanding Fiber Optics 5/e. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Print. (4-Wave Mixing, p.117)


Hecht, Jeff. Understanding Fiber Optics 5/e. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Print. (Dispersion Slope, p.110)


Orthogonal Polarization. Blackboard Course-Documents Chapter 4. Retrieved from  


Yao, Colin. Polarization Maintaining Fiber. YouTube.  Retrieve from.


Hecht, Jeff. Understanding Fiber Optics 5/e. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Print. (Polarization Mode Dispersion, p.86)


Downing, James. Fiber Optic Communications: Delmar/Cengage, 2005. Print. (Dispersion Compensation, 281)


CS-TDCMX - Compact Tunable Dispersion Compensation Module. Retrieved from



Dispersion Compensation Modules. Blackboard Course-Documents Chapter 5. Retrieved from  


Soliton Transmission. Blackboard Chapter 19 Document. Retrieved from

[1]The most common dimensions of optical fibers are 9/125, 50/125, 62.5/125 and 100/140 microns.

[2]  A chirp is a signal in which the frequency increases ('up-chirp') or decreases ('down-chirp') with time. In some sources, the term chirp is used interchangeably with sweep signal … In optics, ultra short laser pulses also exhibit chirp due to the dispersion of the materials they propagate through.

[3] 4-Wave mixing: multiple optical channels passing through the same fiber interact with each other only very weakly, making wavelength-division multiplexing possible. However, these weak interactions in glass can become significant over long fiber-transmission distances. The most important is four wave mixing (sometimes called four-photon mixing) in which three wavelengths interact to generate a fourth (Hecht, 117).


[4] Dispersion compensation: as data rates of telecom systems increase from 10 to 40 Gbit/s, new technical challenges appear, including the adverse effects of signal broadening caused by chromatic dispersion. This physical phenomenon originates from the wavelength dependence of the propagation velocity in the transport optical fiber. In such a material, the blue part of an optical pulse propagates faster than its red part, resulting in progressive pulse broadening.

Fortunately, it is easy to recompress the optical pulses by providing a device that does just the opposite: providing a longer propagation time for the blue part than for the red part of the optical pulses. This scheme is referred to as dispersion compensation and actually works better than trying to eliminate the chromatic dispersion in the transport fiber. For example, dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) was developed to provide negligible chromatic dispersion, but brings new problems, including larger nonlinear effects (Avants, web).

[5]  Chromatic dispersion is measured in Ps/NM/km. This means for every km of fiber traveled through, a pulse with a 1 NM spread of wavelengths will disperse by 1 Ps (Ps = picosecond = 1 x 10^-12 second) for a dispersion of 1 Ps/NM/km. Therefore you can see that with a 1 Ps/NM/km chromatic dispersion, a 10-Gbit/s pulse with a 0.2nm spectral width will have spread by a whole bit period (100 Ps) after 500 km of fiber and will then be completely indistinguishable (chromatic dispersion, bb.csis chapter 5; web).

[6] Fiber-Bragg-grating compensators:

Proposed for dispersion compensation two decades ago, a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) consists of a longitudinal index modulation in the core of an optical fiber.1 The light is reflected by the FBG when its wavelength satisfies the interference condition dictated by the modulation period. For dispersion-compensation purposes, the modulation period varies along the fiber axis such that the blue part and red part of an optical pulse are reflected back at the far and front parts of the FBG, respectively.


Since the FBG-compensation idea was first conceived-and especially over the past five years-significant advances have been made. This technology is now mature enough for dispersion compensation and represents the first deployed compensation technology besides DCF. The major advantage of FBG technology is its ability to provide tunable dispersion compensation-a critical feature required for 40 Gbit/s communication systems that cannot be met by DCF. Avants:  Laserfocusworld. Retrieved from


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